瀏覽次數: 324
海興厚德不銹鋼制品有限公司,位于河北省滄州市。公司擁有一套從模具設計、鑄造、加工、表面處理等工藝完整的生產線;采用先進的硅溶膠失蠟鑄造工藝,引進了先進的鑄造生產設備,高精度的數控機床,加工中心等設備;同時引進了瑞士ARL光譜儀,金相顯微鏡,硬度儀,萬能材料試驗機,三坐標等檢測設備。擁有強大的技術研發(fā)能力能滿足深孔,復雜型腔,定位準確等顧客特殊的工藝要求。 我們產品主要有各種球閥、閘閥、截止閥、過濾器、止回閥、螺紋管件以及各種異形鑄件產品,材質主要為304、304L、316、316L、WCB等,可以廣泛應用于整個機械制造業(yè)和機械加工業(yè). Haixing Houde Stainless Steel Products Co.,Ltd is located in Cangzhou city Hebei Provinece.The company introduces the advanced silicon sol lost casting process,well appointed casting equipments . high-precision CNC machines and machining center. On the testing aspect. We have Swiss ARL spectrograph. Metallurgical Miccroscope .hardness tester .Universal testing machine.three –dimensional and other test instrument .Houde casting also has a complete production line from mold design to casting. machining.and surface treatment. Currently our major product materials are 304 304L 316 316L WCB and our products mainly include all kinds of ball valve .globe valve .gate valve.strainer .quick coupling and a varity of impeller .marine hardware and automotive accessories and so on. |
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